Tuesday, November 6, 2012

TWD: Buttermilk Crumb Muffins

When Nathan was three years old he absolutely went crazy over the blueberry muffins shown on the next page of this recipe in Baking with Julia.  But for the past few years, Nathan has turned his nose up at them and has kept asking for a simple cinnamon muffin.  These muffins were exactly what he wanted and he loved them. Simply wonderful, these muffins.


We added a teaspoon of vanilla to the batter but other than that we kept to the recipe.  

We didn't add an overabundance of the crumb topping because we didn't want them to be too sweet. 

Sarah liked the muffin top the best; she thought that it tasted like a cookie. I'm thinking that a future Rewind might be buttermilk crumb muffin tops, I have one of those top only pans.

As I ate my muffin on this quiet Sunday morning, in the back of my mind was a familiar taste, memory and texture.  My husband remarked that he too had this same feeling and was it perhaps that they tasted - in a much more grown-up way - like Hostess brand Cinnamon Crumb Cakes. I begrudgingly agreed that he was onto something. Upon further thought, how wonderful to be able to remember a childhood food memory by tasting a grown-up version that has only improved on the memory of the original.

Broad Brook Bakers 


  1. Glad that your tasters loved the muffins! Mine went down well at home as well.

  2. I used to love Hostess Crumb Cakes! Well everything Hostess..
    Glad these were a hit with you!
